I Have a Life Threatening Illness
Palliative Care Community Team
When you are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, you are affected in many ways including, physically, emotionally and practically. You may struggle to make sense of treatment options, ask questions about the disease or ask “why me?” The Palliative Care Community Team (PCCT) includes Palliative Nurse Navigators and a Supportive Care Counsellor who can help explore these questions and link you with appropriate services as needed such as the local palliative physicians.
Family members can also be affected and roles can change as you undergo treatment and may need care or help with tasks you have always done. This can cause changes in family dynamics and you or family members might wish to speak with a Supportive Care Counsellor at Hospice.
Volunteer Support
Hospice Peterborough’s client support volunteers can visit clients in their homes at end of life. Volunteers are caring people who have chosen to be visitors because they are genuinely interested in supporting you and your family. Hospice Peterborough’s volunteers come from all walks of life and have completed screening and training that meets nationally recognized standards.
Day Hospice
Hospice Peterborough’s Wednesday Day Hospice program offers an opportunity to meet others living with a life-threatening illness and share your concerns and experiences. Support groups for men and women are facilitated by Hospice staff and volunteers on Wednesday mornings.
Wellness Support
Palliative Care supports people to focus on living until the end-of-life. Wellness supports are focused on helping you to live the best quality of life. Wellness programming includes volunteers offering Complimentary Therapies such as Reiki and Therapeutic Touch. Mindful Meditation is a twice monthly program to help people learn about and practice meditation. Other single topic sessions may be offered, watch the Hospice Highlighter and social media for workshops.

Mindful Nourishment
Mindful Nourishment is a twice monthly program that you can join via videoconference from anywhere quiet. The purpose of the group is to help people learn about and practice mindfulness through mediation. Mindfulness is about focusing on the present and slowing down all of the thoughts and questions that constantly inundate the human mind. Mindfulness has proven health benefits including helping people relax and reduce stress, manage pain and improve their sense of well-being. Each Mindful Nourishment session is unique so you can join when you are able without needing to participate in a series. Mindful Nourishment typically occurs on the second and fourth Thursday of the month from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm. Holidays can impact the schedule, if you register you will receive a reminder and a link to the Mindful Nourishment session in the week it is occurring. To register send an email to admin@hospicepeterborough.org.
Hospice Residence
For information please visit the Hospice Residence page of this website.
Hospice Peterborough has a lending library with books, videos and music; staff can also suggest reputable web resources to answer your questions on various topics. From time to time we also host public education events. You are always welcome to call, drop-in or email us with questions about hospice palliative care and grief.
Learn More, Registration and Referral
To learn more about our programs and services, to register or make a self-referral, please email intake@hospicepeterborough.org or call 705-742-4042. Whether you are seriously ill or are caring for someone who is seriously ill, Hospice staff are here to help connect you with the support you need.