Circle of Caring: Monthly Giving 

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Why Monthly Giving makes the BIGGEST impact: Join our Circle of Caring

As a Circle of Caring donor, YOU help ensure Hospice Peterborough’s future and keep our programs up and running. You also…

  • Provide a foundation of consistent and reliable funding
  • Reduce the administrative burden on our small-but-mighty team
  • Help predict and support dependable, consistent budget planning
  • Enable accurate investment in future programming to meet long-term community needs
  • Get access to exclusive tours and other special events, news updates, and a behind-the-scenes perspective on all things hospice
  • Help provide supportive care to everyone in our community, free of charge
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The Circle is growing…

Join a rapidly growing community of donors.

Maximizing Your Donation

Every monthly contribution to Circle of Caring – no matter what the amount – makes a difference to local families.

Your monthly gift to Hospice Peterborough will ensure our programs and services are there for individuals and families at every step of their journey; from diagnosis, through death, and grief.

Talk to us about how you can directly support what you’re most passionate about in hospice care.

Join the Circle and help provide essential care. Your impact is far-reaching:

Circle of Caring Donation Levels graphic

Getting Started

Joining the Circle of Caring is easy. Click here to register. It takes less than 5 minutes and there’s no annual renewal required. Contact us any time if you want to adjust your donation!

We want to make you feel special…because you are! Our In the LoopCircle of Caring newsletter is something you won’t want to miss. Circle of Caring members will receive exclusive content and compelling stories, invitations to special events, and videos. 

Hospice Peterborough’s Promise to You

Hospice Peterborough respects your privacy and complies with all legislative requirements regarding its protection. Hospice has never – and will never – rent, sell or trade your personal information.

Get in Touch

For more information, please call 705-742-4042 ext. 232 or email Sarah van den Berg, fundraising and communications coordinator at

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