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Hospice Peterborough is committed to raising awareness about hospice palliative care and grief in the community.

Education Events

Contact us for a workshop or seminar that will suit your organization’s needs.

Lending Library

The Hospice Peterborough library has books and other resources on topics related to life-threatening illness, end-of-life care, death & dying and grief. We also have information specifically for children and youth.
Library services are offered free of charge to residents of all ages living in the City and County of Peterborough. Books and other materials can be checked out in person at Hospice Peterborough. It just takes a few minutes to set up a membership account.

Web Resources:

The following groups of resources are credible non-profit organizations, mainly located within Canada that offer relevant web-based information for people living with life-threatening illness, caregivers and people who are grieving.

For People Living with a Life-Threatening Illness

Canadian Cancer Society

The Canadian Cancer Society provides prevention and screening information and links to popular support programs such as Wheels of Hope – a driving program supporting clients to get to cancer-related medical appointments. Peer support is also offered along with a discussion board where people with cancer can connect.

Cancer Care Ontario

Cancer Care Ontario has excellent resources for people wondering about cancer tests and for those living with cancer as well as evidence-based tools for health practitioners.

Caring Bridge

Caring Bridge offers free personal protected websites allow users to post about their health and create request lists which define what they need and allow family and friends to help without having to constantly ask what they can do.

Living My Culture

Living My Culture is a Canadian website developed by Virtual Hospice where people from various cultures share their stories and wisdom about living with serious illness, end of life and grief.

Living Out Loud.Life

Living Out Loud.Life is a webspace affiliated with Virtual Hospice is designed to be a place for teens and young adults living with advanced illness to connect and share and get information from health professionals.

Advance Care Planning Ontario

Advance Care Planning Ontario offers resources for helping everybody to develop an Advance Care Plan and for health professionals to promote advance care planning.

Toronto University Health Network

The Toronto University Health Network provides helpful guidelines on using the Internet to find information about your health.

Age-Friendly Peterborough

While not a palliative resource Age-Friendly Peterborough produces some excellent resources that are relevant to senior citizens and those managing a life threatening illness including The Seniors Directory and the Be Prepared Program which includes a workbook designed to help you collect all your relevant information together in one place in case of an emergency.

For Caregivers

Caregiver Support, Hospice Palliative Care Ontario

The Caregiver Support, Hospice Palliative Care Ontario website is designed to support you by offering modules which you can browse in any order and return to at any time.

Central East Healthline

The Central East Healthline is designed and maintained by the Central East Local Health Integrated Network (CE LHIN). This website for health care professionals and people living in the CE LHIN offers accurate, up-to-date information about health services. Ontario211 has a similar mandate and also connects people with community services in Peterborough City and County.

Hospice Palliative Care Ontario

Hospice Palliative Care Ontario it the provincial association of hospices and palliative care providers that Hospice Peterborough belongs to.

For Those Living with Grief

Kid's Grief

Kid’s Grief is a free Canadian online resource to help parents support their children and teens when someone in their life is dying or has died, this resource includes education modules and resources.

Lighthouse for Grieving Children and Families

Lighthouse for Grieving Children and Families is an Ontario based non-profit has a children’s section, youth section and parent/caregiver section to their website along with tip sheets, suggested books and other resources.

My Grief

My Grief are Canadian modules were developed by Virtual Hospice to help people understand and work through grief. Choose only the modules applicable to your situation and work through them at your own pace.

The Canadian Grief Alliance

The Canadian Grief Alliance is a group of leading grief specialists and more than 150 national and provincial organizations that are encouraging the Government to adopt a proposal to address national gaps in grief services. The Alliance offers webinars and Facebook live events on grief. Discussion forums can be reached at Canadian Virtual Hospice :: Home :: Support :: Discussion Forums

Irish Hospice Foundation: I am Bereaved

The Irish Hospice Foundation has done significant work developing bereavement resources including developing a short five-minute module on understanding the grieving process.

For Health Professionals and Service Providers

Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (CHPCA)

The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (CHPCA) is the national voice for palliative care in Canada.

Hospice Palliative Care Ontario

Hospice Palliative Care Ontario is the provincial association of hospices and palliative care providers that Hospice Peterborough belongs to.


Pallium is a Canadian organization with online education resources on palliative care and creating compassionate communities. Pallium also produces the Pallium Palliative Pocketbook and facilitates delivery of courses across the country such as LEAP (Learning Essential Approaches to Palliative Care).

Virtual Hospice

Virtual Hospice provides information for people living with a palliative diagnosis, family and professional caregivers; includes discussion forums, videos for family caregivers on how to provide care and evidence-based tools for health professionals.