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Recent News Articles

Brave on the Rocks

By: Rachelle Kennedy, Hospice Peterborough Facilitator and Volunteer There was a biting cold and wild wind that was gusting off the shores of the great lake that day. The waves were wicked and relentless. It was as though all the pent-up coldness of the season had...

Foundation walls taking shape

Over the past two weeks, workers have been busy putting forms in place for the next layer of concrete foundation to be poured for the new building. A crane has been lifting baskets of the forms into the area where the workers remove them from the basket and put them...

180 Degrees of Life

By: David Kennedy, Bereavement Coordinator at Hospice Peterborough He stood in the chaos of boxes and paper – the reminders of the holidays that brought a trail of family and people into his house. Everyone was trying to make this Christmas better than it could be....

Pouring concrete!

More activity on the site this morning. At 10:30 the "concrete pumping" truck was loaded up by mixing trucks and the concrete started to flow into the wooden foundation frames. In the fourth photo below, there is a worker on the left who has the remote controls around...

Northwest corner Heeney House demolition

A lot happening on the site in the past 48 hours! When I walked by the site at 9am yesterday morning, workers were demolishing the concrete wall and tiny entrance-way in the north alcove of Heeney House. That felt dramatic to me. Then this morning at 9am, workers...

Preparing for concrete; inside work continues

Last week I interviewed Richard Johnston for our upcoming Hospice Highlighter newsletter. Richard is chair of the Every Moment Matters Campaign Building Committee and as a special treat, we conducted the interview inside Heeney House! See below for a few indoor photos...

Initial plumbing for new building

In last week's post you can see green pipes starting to be installed in the ground for the new building. In this weeks photos, you can see that all the pipes are now in place. It's interesting how each new construction development shows the future building footprint...

Foundation work continues

Happy New Year construction bloggers, As you will see from the photos below, work on the foundation continues... [showhide type="post"]       Want to keep up to date on the most recent construction activity? Sign up today and receive alerts directly to...

Building the foundation

With much of the excavation for the 10-bed care facility completed, the Mortlock crew are now leveling things off with supplementary soil. In two photos from George Dimitroff yesterday and one from me this morning, you can really see the footprint of the new building...

Foundation excavation continues

Today there is a lot of excavation activity at the site. Building your community shovelful at a time! [showhide type="post"] Want to keep up to date on the most recent construction activity? Sign up today and receive alerts directly to your email...

Recent Posts

Roof trusses!

What a milestone yesterday...[showhide type="post"] Want to keep up to date on the most recent construction activity? Sign up today and receive email alerts when new blog entries are made. Subscribe to the blog!    [/showhide]

Remaining bedrooms being framed in

Today workers began framing the remaining four bedrooms of your new community Hospice. You can see the large bedroom windows just left of center in the photo below. [showhide type="post"] Want to keep up to date on the most recent construction activity? Sign up today...

Hospice Songs for the Soul

I have had the privilege of being a Hospice Singer since the group began, serendipitously, more than nine years ago. We modeled ourselves after the Hallowell Singers, a group of singers associated with a hospice in Vermont. I would like to share a few words of Kathy...

Corner windows, building entrance and porch wall

New developments as of last Friday at the site of your Hospice Peterborough: Photo #1 shows the framing for large picture windows for a program room (like our current living room but larger square footage). Photo #2 shows two large picture windows for the large...

Ceiling beams and floor boards

Work continues at the construction site this afternoon with large ceiling beams being lifted into place for the Heeney House Community Hospice Programs area of the new building (see April 17 photo immediately below). New floor boards were also installed on the Hospice...

A lot can happen in 21 days

Between February 26 and March 18, a lot of framing work happened at the construction site! This time lapse video shows  building progress in a fun and interesting way. Way to go Peterborough - your new community Hospice is becoming a reality...[showhide type="post"]...

Heeney House main level takes shape

I am amazed at the pace of construction this week. Walking home last night, I saw main level walls and windows beginning to take shape. As someone who has walked by the site almost daily for over a year, the developments over the past 24hrs are really exciting for...