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Recent News Articles

Awakening To Moments

By: David Kennedy, Supportive Care Counsellor, Hospice Peterborough It was a very intense moment. The air was literally heavy with grief. She had just finished telling me the story of the sudden unexpected death of the love of her life. As she had poured out their...

Caissons up close

In yesterday's post I mentioned that the 48 in-ground concrete pillars (caissons) have been poured - thanks to the giant drilling machine that was onsite for about 20 days. This morning when I walked by the site, there were surveyors working and they had brushed away...

Foundation laid…awaiting next phase

On March 21, 2017 the large machine arrived to dig the holes for concrete pillars that will be the foundation for the new building. Through sun and snow, the work continued. Twenty-two days and 48 in-ground concrete pillars later, the big machine finished its job on...

In the Family Room

Composite story written by John Mowry based on his experiences working with families at end-of-life. My sister, brother and I sat in silence in the “family room”. The doctor had explained that Dad had suffered a life-threatening stroke and decisions needed to be made...

Sacred Time and the Gift of Singing

By: Meredith Hill, Hospice Peterborough Volunteer The Borland family lives across the road and we've only known them in a way that's slightly more than acquaintances. However, in the last four years we have watched as Margaret, the matriarch in her eighties, struggled...

In-ground concrete pillars

The large hole-digging machine has been at work for the past week - digging holes for the in-ground concrete pillars that will support the new resident care facility alongside newly renovated Heeney House. See below for a batch of photos to document the...

The big machine is here!

The long anticipated, huge digging machine arrived yesterday. This machine will be digging the holes for the large concrete foundation pillars for the new resident care building next to renovated Heeney House. In the following video, you can see the machine at work....

Entire footprint of new building revealing itself

In the past 72hrs, workers have been busy digging out the remaining footprint of the new building that is being built beside Heeney House. The new building will come right up to London Street and to the south, will turn to the left forming an L-shape. To see the floor...

Foundation walls poured

Hello construction bloggers, Today's entry brings you up-to-date on the foundation for the new 10-bed care unit. Concrete was poured last Monday with the same long-arm concrete pouring truck that poured the initial foundation (see February 6 blog entry titled "Pouring...

The Water is Wide: A Bedside Singers Story

By: Judy Foster, Hospice Peterborough Volunteer and Bedside Singer Today three of us sang on the [Peterborough Regional Health Centre Palliative Care] unit. We were welcomed into a number of rooms and sang in one of the halls. There was a couple who were...

Recent Posts

Care Centre Construction Footage!

There is a lot going on the site of the new Hospice Peterborough Care Centre! Check out the construction blog below to see some awesome drone footage posted by Mortlock Construction!    

Aerial video footage of construction

Thanks to Mortlock Construction for sharing this aerial video of the construction site - taken around May 9, 2018. Very cool! [showhide type="post"] Want to keep up to date on the most recent construction...

Peterborough County Council Completes Pledge to Hospice Peterborough

Today Peterborough County Council presented Hospice Peterborough with a cheque for $175,000 to complete their generous pledge of $350,000 to the Every Moment Matters Campaign and the new Hospice Peterborough Care Centre. “We are so grateful to Peterborough County...

Roof closed in

All photos taken in the last 24hrs. Except the last one taken February 26 to show the difference three months can make! [showhide type="post"] Want to keep up to date on the most recent construction...

Taking shape

It's hard to keep up with the progress of construction! Almost all roof trusses are on and today workers began putting down roof plywood. I am amazed at how high the roof line is on the south side of the building. Such a difference in grade from London Street to the...


Thanks to Craig Mortlock for these two amazing photos of your community Hospice - taken May 1, 2018 [showhide type="post"] Want to keep up to date on the most recent construction activity? Sign up today and receive email alerts when new blog entries are made....

A picture is worth a 1,000 words

[showhide type="post"] Want to keep up to date on the most recent construction activity? Sign up today and receive email alerts when new blog entries are made. Subscribe to the blog!...