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Recent News Articles

Heeney House main level takes shape

I am amazed at the pace of construction this week. Walking home last night, I saw main level walls and windows beginning to take shape. As someone who has walked by the site almost daily for over a year, the developments over the past 24hrs are really exciting for...

Heeney House lower level ceiling/main level floorboards

Workers are moving fast at the site these past few days. For the Heeney House community programming area, the ceiling for the lower level/floorboards for the main level are now being installed. On the residence side, workers are busy building a second concrete wall -...

Main level taking shape

The first photo below is taken from where the front entrance to the new Care Centre will be (from London Street looking south). The wooden framing to the right is the lower level admin offices and programming rooms. Straight ahead the first rectangular concrete shape...

Care Centre Framing!

Framing of the lower level of Heeney House Community Programming Area has started! [showhide type="post"] Want to keep up to date on the most recent construction activity? Sign up today and receive email alerts when new blog entries are made. Subscribe to the blog!...

Foundation in-filling

After a holiday season and January that saw record cold temperatures, the recent warmer weather has allowed work to continue. Today the sun managed to peak through the clouds after many days of rain and fog. The following two photos can be compared to the previous...


Last fall, the first Hospice Peterborough DIEalouges were hosted at Lett Architect Studio. These sessions were about opening up a conversation about death and dying to the community. During one of these sessions a question was posed to the attendees: If you could...

Foundation work complete!

Earlier this week workers completed pouring the rest of the concrete foundation for the new Care Centre. This is a significant milestone! Thanks to everyone for helping build your new community Hospice. [showhide type="post"] Want to keep up to date on the most recent...

The Strange Events of Grief

It was just one of those nights. He had to get out of the house. Oh, he understood that his adult children were just worried about him and that is why they doted on his every move. “Come on Dad – you have to eat – have more food… Dad, now you have to get things done...

Full footprint emerging

This afternoon workers continued to install the forms for pouring the remaining concrete foundation. You can really see the complete building footprint emerging (four times the square footage of the current Hospice building). We also hosted an open house this...

Foundation work starting up again

With the permit recently approved to continue building the new foundation, workers were at the site this morning laying the concrete forms for the Heeney House community programming area.  [showhide type="post"] Want to keep up to date on the most recent construction...

Recent Posts

Grief and the Holidays

At this time of year, enjoying the holidays can feel difficult if you are grieving. You may even feel guilty for being joyful (even if it is fleeting) because joy and grief are often treated as opposite emotions that should not meet. After someone has died, it is...

Not-for-Profit Excellence Award

At the Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards on October 17th, 2018, the Hospice Peterborough team heard our name called as the winner for the Not-for-Profit category. We were honoured to have been nominated alongside the Canadian Canoe...

With Gratitude

“Ross”…This was the simple subject line of a message I received late this morning from a colleague. I knew what it would say before I clicked on it. Ross had died. I did not really know Ross, but hearing of his death hit me harder than I expected. You see, Ross was...

The stone work has started!

The excitement continues at 325 London Street as the stone work begins. [showhide type="post"] [/showhide]

A roof over our heads…

Thank you to Havelock Metal for the splendid metal roof now going on the Care Centre. [showhide type="post"] Insulation and ceilings going up...check!!     Photos courtesy of Mortlock Construction [/showhide]